Mit Freundlichen Grüssen (Jetzt Erst Recht!) is a cover album by Heino that was released in 2013.
It is a Bonus-Edition of the original album, which has the title “Mit freundlichen Grüßen (Das verbotene Album)“
It contains seventeen cover versions of popular pop, hip hop and rock songs originally played by German artists. Even before the release, Heino’s interpretations of the songs caused discussions.
On this album Heino covered two Rammstein songs, Sonne and Amerika.
The other songs on this album are from artists like Peter Fox, Oomph!, Die Ärzte, Nena, Die Fantastischen Vier and Die Prinzen.
- Junge
- Haus Am See
- Ein Kompliment
- Augen Auf
- Sonne
- Gewinner
- Leuchtturm
- Vogel Der Nacht
- Kling Klang
- Willenlos
- Einmal Um Die Welt
- Lila Wolken
- Kapitulation
- Polizisten
- Amerika
- Alles Nur Geklaut