Tag: Japanese Edition
[2001] Mutter (Japanese Edition)
[2005] Reise, Reise (Japanese Edition)
[1998] Sehnsucht (Japanese Edition)
[2007] Emigrate (Japanese Edition)

Emigrate is the first album by Emigrate. It was released on 31 August 2007. The Japanese Edition, is the Standard Edition, with the OBI-strip and some information in Japanese. Tracklist: Emigrate – 04:07 Wake Up – 03:33 My World – 04:17 Let Me Break – 03:35 In My Tears – 04:34 Babe – 04:28 New York City – 03:40 Resolution – 03:42 Temptation – 04:13 This Is What – 04:38 You Can’t…
[2019] F & M (Japanese Edition)
[2014] Silent So Long (Japanese Edition)
[2019] Rammstein (Japanese Edition)

Deutschland = ドイチュラント(ドイツ) Radio = ラディオ(ラジオ) Zeig Dich = ツァイク ディッヒ(姿を見せろ) Ausländer = アウスレンダー(異邦人) Sex = セックス Puppe = プッペ(操り人形) Was Ich Liebe = ヴァス イッヒ リーベ(俺が愛するもの) Diamant = ディアマント(ダイアモンド) Weit Weg = ヴァイト ヴェック(遠く離れて) Tattoo = タトゥー Hallomann = ハローマン Japanese special edition DIN A5 digipak, which consists of…